Content plan for a supplement affiliate blog.

The REQUEST requested services of MinuteCopy to write 20 blog posts averaging 1200 words per post based on the site’s primary topic: Kratom supplements.


First, an SEO-focused content plan was proposed and agreed. Each post required 30-60 minutes of pre-writing research. All posts were made with images, proper headings, and were interlinked with other posts.

Content Example: Kratom Wonder


  • Successful content plan with relevant interlinking.
  • Average of 1200 words per blog post.
  • Proper use of headers to structure content.
  • Accurate content with heavily-researched subjects.
Blog Title & Introduction Examples
Content Example

The best thing MinuteCopy was able to do for us is build a content plan and execute on it. The transparency in their work puts it ahead of others.
